Insert timestamp via Keyboard Maestro 透過Keyboard Maestro 在文件中插入時間標記
因此我透過Keyyboard Maestro建立自己的快捷鍵,可以在任何地方插入符合自己格式的日期與時間戳記。
Setting 設定
We can easily insert the date and time in a specific format via Keyboard maestro.
I assigned a hotkey shift-command-T for the action. I can insert the timestamp anywhere on my Mac by clicking the keystroke.
Application 應用
Daily Reflection: In my reflection, I use data and time as a heading. 日記:我每天都寫日記,每天的日記記錄得時間會加上時間戳記,以提醒自己記錄的狀況與時間。
Zettelkasten note YAML data: When I create a Zettelkasten note, I will add some description in the YAML area, including date and time. 筆記YAML:我再每則筆記都會加上YAML區域,其中格式是不能少的。
Revision timestamp: I frequently revised my existed note. I will add the date and time before the paragraph I revised. 更正記錄:一則筆記可能經過多次更新與校正,我通常會在筆記校正的地方加上時間戳記,以確保記錄之完整性與連續性。