
[網路與資訊] Evernote官方教學 與 雨果的經驗 iHugo and Evernote



How to Run Your Startup with Evernote: WeTeachMe for Teaching and Learning « Evernote Blogcast

  • Record audio notes during the customer development process: With Evernote installed on our smartphones and computers, we’re able to record and store audio clips from our customer development process for later reference and discussion.
  • Location scout: The lessons and workshops at WeTeachMe happen at a variety of different locations and our team is always on the lookout for possible venues. When a suitable one is found, we snap photos of it with Evernote. These snapshots have both the longitude and latitude captured, so we never forget where a potential venue is located.
  • Set goals: We use the checkbox function in Evernote to keep track of goals that we have set. Long-term, short-term; we got them all covered. [Learn how to create a checklist in Evernote]
  • Keep a historical archive: We save old copy from our website into separate notes for later reference. It also provides a chance for the WeTeachMe team to tweak the copy as needed.
  • Capture snapshots of handwritten notes: Notes are often written by hand. Evernote’s ability to take snapshots is incredibly handy. What really impresses us is Evernote’s ability to search for text within the image snapshots, which saves the need for us to type the notes manually; a big productivity booster.
  • Get things done on the go: Having the Evernote app installed on our mobile devices gives us the freedom to accomplish more on the go.
  • Keep track of expenses: We scan all of of our coffee, food and company receipts into Evernote for accounting purposes.
  • Create and store meeting notes: Prior to launch, we used Evernote to create and store our meeting notes. Having them searchable and arranged chronologically makes referring to past meetings to see what we discussed/decided upon an extremely easy process.
  • Save time by creating template notes: We tend to write the same emails over and over again. To shave time off writing emails, we saved some of the more common emails that we send out into separate notes. Instant productivity!
你可以用Evernote來做什麼呢? 雨果會怎麼使用Evernote呢?
  • 錄語音記錄:開會或有重要的靈感出現時,可以即時使用手機上的Evernote先將語音記錄下來,之後再找台有鍵盤的電腦來記錄。
  • 地點快照:不論是旅遊或者是工作上,需要將地點與照片做連結時,Evernote也提供了照相以及座標功能。
  • 文件備份:將閱讀的文件檔(不論word或pdf)直接貼到evernote就變成了一個網路版的備份了!PDF檔還可以直接在電腦版本的Evernote中閱讀,而不需另外開啟閱讀器。
  • 網頁快照:閱讀到一半或者是覺得需要留存參考的網頁,再chrome瀏覽器中的evernote外掛,可以直接協助你將網頁整個抓下來。再經過分門別類,就成了網頁資料庫囉!
  • 快照手寫記錄:有些文件還是免不了有手寫的狀況,這時候,直接將文件照相下來,就可以存檔到Evernote中,成為資料庫的一部分。
  • 收支記錄:由於跨平台以及快速記錄的特性,Evernote也可以充當收支記錄表。雖然沒有更進一步的計算或者收支帳的功能,不過可以隨時將收支記下來,再轉換到其他平台。
  • 會議記錄:既然都可以做到上述的功能,一個簡單的會議記錄是小case啦!
  • 作為信件或文件範本:你也可以將常用的文件範本存到evernote中,要使用實在去copy and paste,這樣可省下重新繕打文件的辛苦。
  • 照片集:將照片貼在Evernote中,可以用幻燈片的方式來瀏覽。這一點在智慧型手機這類小螢幕的裝置,便顯示出優勢。不需要左拉右拉,就可以看到圖片全貌。要當做網路相簿也是可以的啦!
  • 郵件備份:Evernote會給每個使用者一個專屬的郵件帳號,你可以直接寄信到這個信箱,就會將郵件轉換成Evernote檔案。這麼一來,重要的郵件就直接轉寄至Evernote就在也不會忘記囉!
  • 離線文件:可是讓你在沒有網路的狀況下,繼續編輯文件或觀看你的備份文件。尤其是出外旅遊,離線的地圖或旅遊資料可是很重要的。(請參考 [網路與資訊] 用Evernote在國外旅遊
  • 超大的上傳容量:付費的會員有1GB的每個月上傳容量,加上無上線的總儲存量,基本上我們已經可以把evernote當做另外一個網路硬碟使用了!單純處理文件檔案,或者圖片檔。


